News Centre

  • PCHi Shanghai expo in 2018

    2018PCHiExhibition IntroductionAs China stands on the centre stage of the global market, Pchi also provides a commercial platform for domestic and foreign raw material suppliers to communicate with co...

    2018-04-26 admin 162

  • PCHi Shanghai expo in 2017

    奇异生物圆满参加2017年PCHi广州展            通过这次展会,我们对广大客户的产品需求有更好的了解。此外,在展会前后共有三家国外公司的客户参观了奇异生物公司及工厂。            在展会上,我司展示了以下系列植物基础油分别应用...

    2018-04-26 admin 44

  • PCHi Shanghai expo in 2016

       奇异生物走向世界,参加2016上海PCHI展会          2016年3月1日至3日,湖南奇异生物科技有限公司参加了在上海世博展览会举办的,第九届中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理品用品原料展览会(PCHi)。            ...

    2018-04-26 admin 34

  • PCHI Guangzhou expo in 2015

    2015年广州PCHI展会—奇异生物科技2015年3月12日—14日,我公司代表团参加了广州保利世贸博览馆举办的“2015(广州)中国国际化妆品、个人及家庭护理用品原料展会”。    本次PCHI展会汇聚了来自全球各地的化妆品原料、辅料的制造商和供应商、专业检测机构、代理商、行业协议和行业媒体。          &n...

    2018-04-26 admin 36

  • Cosmetic natural oil raw materials

    Woody plant oil refers to grow in the mountains of woody oil as raw material, using cold pressed, supercritical fluid extraction oil extraction process such as vegetable oils, rich in oleic acid, lino...

    2018-05-14 admin 19

  • Traditional Chinese medicine is not easy to sell,medicinal plant extracts are the new export highlights


    2018-05-14 admin 27

  • Zhang Dafang, vice chairman of the provincial CPPCC, and Zhang Jian, chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, visited the Amazing Grace industry group

    September 28, 2017Hunan province da-fang zhang, vice President of Chinese people's political consultative conference, zhang jian, chairman of the federation of industry and commerce of hunan provi...

    2018-05-10 admin 60

  • "Industrial poverty alleviation" helps the beautiful Xiangxi !


    2018-05-10 admin 82